Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 34
Page 100

Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 34
Original Release Date: March 3, 2009
This is the 100th page of Mike and the Ninja, and it is fittingly epic and ridiculous. That's no coincidence, either--I knew this was going to be page 100, so I wanted something important and visually striking to happen here. Everything about Pratt is supposed to be over the top, and what's more over the top than a big death ray that emerges from the dome of City Hall, and Pratt's elaborate, meticulous ascent to said death ray? This page is directly influenced by this sequence from the Simpsons episode "Last Exit to Springfield," in which Mr. Burns cuts off power to the city to try to get striking power plant workers to come back to work.
Pratt's shadow in panel four is taken from his figure on page 80, where he's looking at Stu's hijacked Powerpoint presentation.
I just cut Pratt out of that page, photoshopped him into this one, and filled him with black. BOOM! Instant, accurate shadow. It's cheating, but it sure did work well.