Who Needs Sleep?
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Who Needs Sleep?
Original Release Date: September 22, 2009
This artwork is looking pretty good! The buildings in the background have no details on them, so those look a little weird. They don't need a ton of detail, but they look odd being completely bare. However, the first panel exterior shot of the diner looks great, and the booth where Mike and Stu sit looks good, too!
A couple of other minor artwork notes: I like how Stu's coffee sloshes when he slams his fist on the table--that's a good detail. Also, I appreciate that I had the awareness to draw consistent beverages for Mike and Stu. Stu (and Renee, also) drink coffee, but Mike drinks soda, and that is usually reflected in the artwork.
So what's the deal with this Spencer Hunt gag at the end of the comic? It's based on a real kid I went to vacation bible school with one summer who may have had a similar last name. I guess he didn't like me, because he took it upon himself to, in the middle of the classroom after we all came in from recess, dig his dirty fingernails into my skin and just rip a bloody hole in my arm. I tried to tell on him, but the teachers were busy admonishing somebody else, and the moment passed, so I just let it go. Maybe I was unintentionally rude or annoying to him. Maybe I did not perform well enough at kickball when we were at recess. Or maybe he was just a jerk. I don't know.