Page 132

Original Release Date: October 30, 2009
We are revisiting a gag that hasn't been seen for quite some time: Mike's inability to tell the difference between ninja. Previously, Mike ran into the same ninja twice at the Ninja Factory Outlet store, and both times thought it was Stu. Here, he can't tell the difference again. I tried to make this guy look subtly different from Stu--he doesn't have his musculature and has an ever-so-slight gut, but otherwise looks about the same.
I tried to add some variety to Mike's venting here to keep things interesting. He makes various gestures with his hands so he's not just awkwardly walking alongside this guy during the whole conversation. On the other hand, the guy dressed as a ninja is dumbfounded, so I felt like it was okay for him to awkwardly follow along, just trying to figure out what's happening.
This page was added into the story as sort of a holiday special. I knew we were entering into the more emotionally taxing part of the story and that Halloween was fast approaching, so I decided to add a Halloween-themed page to do something fun and light-hearted before things start to get serious.