Decisions, Decisions, Part 2
Page 134

Decisions, Decisions, Part 2
Original Release Date: November 17, 2009
There's no mistaking what's happening here. Guilt is heaped on Stu as he gets deeper and deeper into the home. The family dog is outside. Bills and youth basketball sign-up forms and mugs that say "DAD" on them litter the table, and the refrigerator is adorned with kids' drawings, school papers, vet reminders, and sticky notes. He's already facing an internal struggle; by the time the family television is in sight, he's been bombarded by so much evidence of the people he's going to disappoint that he's dying inside.
Drawing all of the familial details was fun. I just tried to picture the stuff that would make me feel bad if I was actively burglarizing a family home and then drew it.
Note Stu's use of a dog biscuit to quiet his canine adversary. Does he carry those with him all the time? Must be standard-issue, right? I had to inject a little bit of humor into this otherwise serious page.