Decisions, Decisions, Part 4
Page 136

Decisions, Decisions, Part 4
Original Release Date: December 8, 2009
My wife told me that this little boy's eyes look creepy. In hindsight, that is certainly true. I draw two styles of eyes: There are eyes like the ones Mike has, which are big, expressive, and have a pupil. Then, there are eyes like Stu, which are small, dark, and usually intended for characters that are either bad guys or shrouded in mystery. So, this kid shouldn't have eyes like that. He's a little too innocent. He should have the big, expressive eyes. Also, I was at a stage in my drawing style in which I was simply drawing the dark eyes too large, so they look extra weird on this little boy because they're huge. Even Stu's eyes are way too big here.
I feel bad for this kid. There isn't anything worse than a bad stomach ache at night. I can sleep through a lot of ailments, but as soon as my stomach goes haywire, I'm up like a shot.