All You Can Eat
Page 177

All You Can Eat
Original Release Date: September 28, 2010
Once we get to the scaleability portion of Bob's master plan, presented here on this page, it's actually a pretty brilliant scheme. The more business Bob gets, the more nodes he plants, and the more power he gets. I rescind all the criticsm I laid on his plan in my previous commentary!
The map in panel two introduces the town of Burgville to the Mike and the Ninja universe. A lot of towns end in -burg or -ville, so I just put them together. I thought it was a clever means to not waste a bunch of time coming up with a more creative name for a town. Naming things in creative writing is one of the most stressful, time-consuming, irritating tasks.
Todd's expression in panel four is delightfully creepy. His mouth is sitting a little too low on his face, and that only accentuates the creepiness.