Bad to Worse
Page 186
Bad to Worse
Original Release Date: December 7, 2010
We get a taste of Stu's inner dialogue here, which we haven't had the pleasure of reading since the beginning of Volume 2. Again, it reminds me of something Frank Miller or Chris Claremont would have written in a Daredevil or Wolverine story, respectively. I'm not saying I can write like those guys; it just reminds me of them.
I do really like this situation. Stu is this guy we've come to expect can and will take on anything at any given moment. We know he will here, too. But we're also getting a glimpse inside of his head, where Stu admits he's too hurt to fight the way he needs to in order to win. That shouldn't exactly make the reader feel comfortable about what's coming next. I hope it worked.