The Bigger They Are...
Page 196

The Bigger They Are...
Original Release Date: February 15, 2011
I'm still struggling a little bit with how easily N'Gloth seems to go down once his power source is disrupted, but you have to give some credit to Stu here, as well. One has to assume he has enough combat experience to find a brain or nerve center or some kind of a weak point to take out such a large opponent. So I guess it's okay. Outsmarting N'Gloth was more than half the battle. This is mop-up duty.
To this day, I'm not 100-percent satisfied with how I handled N'Gloth's demise. What exactly happens is kind of ambiguous. His corpse sort of converts itself to energy and violently disperses via a shockwave and a big pillar of light that shoots upward. It doesn't cause any physical damage, though. One could theorize that it is a simultaneous release of all of the negative energy N'Gloth collected in his years of living in this dimension. That's the best way I know how to describe it. I wish I could have depicted it better visually, but I didn't put enough time into it, and I had to fit it all into just two panels to maintain the proper pacing of the comic.