Friendly Foe
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Friendly Foe
Original Release Date: June 21, 2011
So, if you're wondering why Tiffany helps Stu after what he did to her meal ticket in Volume One, here's the deal. Remember that after Pratt's actions in Volume One, Stu and Tiffany (and Pratt) now have a common enemy in the Hired Good Association, and that is exactly whom the Six are recruiting to back them up. Tiffany and Pratt want the HGA off their backs, so of course Tiffany would let Stu know about all of this business, either to divert the goons' attention to Stu, or in the hopes he can take them out.
Stu leaves Tiffany with a parting warning. Remember: Pratt is indirectly responsible for the death of Stu's parents, so despite Tiffany's willingness to give Stu a hot tip here, there's still no love lost between these two.