Ninja, Hesitating
Page 212

Ninja, Hesitating
Original Release Date: July 5, 2011
There are two artwork things about this page that bother me. The fitted sheet on Mike's bed is totally wrinkle-free. What is he sleeping on? A cot? I thought it looked weird when I drew it, and I still think it looks weird, so I wish I had thrown some wrinkles in there.
The other thing I don't like is this inset panel of Mike arguing. Why can you see so little of his face? Why didn't I make the panel bigger so you can see more of him? It would have taken two minutes. I think I frequently had good ideas for page layouts or camera angles, but it seems like on every page, there is one area or element where I didn't put in the time I should have, and the entire page suffers as a result. This too-thin panel does it for me on this page. The page could have been really cool, but it's not quite there.