Page 256

Original Release Date: May 29, 2012
In case you need a refresher on why the ninja are on strike, you'll recall they got big-headed with all of their 1980s success and demanded more money and more benefits to live out increasingly lazy and hedonistic lifestyles. Based on the assumption that their egos wouldn't be able to handle it, Stu's plan, therefore, is to manipulate them back into service with the revelation that the Hired Goon Association will become the world's most powerful collective of muscle-for-hire if the union doesn't step in and try to stop The Six. Even on strike, the Ninja Union is the big dog in this fight, while the HGA is the more bumbling, oafish organization. It's not a bad idea, but will it work?
Not really anything else of consequence to mention on this page. I'm curious to know what building inspired the design of Ninja Headquarters in the last panel, but I honestly can't remember.