Over the Top
Page 266
Over the Top
Original Release Date: August 14, 2012
The "ninja prep montage" in the first six panels is inspired by the intro of Super Punch-Out!! on Super Nintendo, which you can see here, as well as any other simiilar montages you can think of.
I'd like to believe the last panel is one of the most ridiculous and awesome things I've drawn. Clearly, a truce has been called between the ninja and truckers, which we'll find out a little more about soon enough. In the meantime, here is this convoy of trucks with ninja crawling all over them. I particularly like the one pumping his fist. So Eighties. There's a reason this page is titled "Over the Top." Of course, there's the reference to the Stallone movie about truck-driving and underground arm wrestling. However, the ridiculousness of the last panel really puts this whole page over the top, too. Get it?