Chaotic Realization
Page 277

Chaotic Realization
Original Release Date: November 20, 2012
Something about this page is not quite right. As Mike halts the pursuit by the Hypergoon Elite with a wall of flame, why do Renee and Ohtani not take this opportunity to take a few potshots at the goons with their arsenal of high-tech laser guns? Perhaps Renee is somewhat overcome with emotion, but come on, guys! Maybe they could have taken out at least one of them? Somebody wasn't thinking, here, and it definitely wasn't the author. No way.
One brief callback to a previous joke: Mike wonders out-loud how Briggs, the hypergoon with no head, is able to talk. In their first encounter, Evil Bad Guy Ninja expresses his frustration at this phenomenon.
Here we get the reveal of what Mike and his dad were talking about on the phone. This thing about friends standing by you is derived from my personal life. I have always had good friends, but I spent many years wallowing in self-doubt, always operating under the assumption that nobody really liked me. The constant support from my friends was apparently not enough evidence to persuade me otherwise. I fell into this trap in which despair seemed like the best (or only) way to get the attention I was looking for. I wasn't doing it on purpose or trying to manipulate anybody. I just felt that badly about myself. Eventually, I realized all the good things and good people I had in my life and snapped out of it, for the most part. Mike has made the same realization, and now he's ready to achieve his full potential.