The Beginning (Part 3 of 4)
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The Beginning (Part 3 of 4)
Original Release Date: April 15, 2000
Ah, the old "artist draws the wrong thing" bit. I'm not sure what would actually be scarier: the hired goon, or the huge man-eating carrot. I also like the narrator's contemptuous relationship with Mike. He could have taken it easy on Mike and left the carrot in, but elects to put the goon back in, instead. Mike probably deserved it.
This page demonstrates that Stu's character had not yet reached its final form. He seems loud and inept, makes curious grammatical choices, and is worried about what the other ninja might think of him. I can't relate any of those traits to what he would eventually develop into. He does take some time to bicker with Mike, though, and that is a dynamic that persists throughout the majority of the story.
I like Stu's pose when he faces off with the carrot, but otherwise, the artwork is not so hot in this one. It's obviously rushed, completely devoid of backgrounds, and proportions and perspective seem nonexistent. It's almost as if the author didn't even draw any of this with a pencil first.