More Evil and Heartless than Ever
Page 30

More Evil and Heartless than Ever
Original Release Date: July 13, 2005
This page has lots more exposition, but this works better than the exposition in the last page because Evil Bad Guy Ninja makes it bearable. He's so arrogant here--where IRA failed, Evil Bad Guy Ninja's plan is nearing fulfillment. He has Stu right where he wants him. You also have to assume that Evil Bad Guy Ninja is in Stu's head because Stu doesn't take the fight to him. Does that mean Stu isn't sure he can beat EBGN? Is he trying to protect Mike? Does he really want to risk the desert rather than putting EBGN in the ground here and now? So many questions.
I think the little tuft of hair sticking out of Evil Bad Guy Ninja's mask is a nice detail (battle damage after the explosion), but it became quite tedious to draw over and over again. Also, the backgrounds are getting a little more love, at last.