The (Great) Escape
Page 45

The (Great) Escape
Original Release Date: October 15, 2006
The last panel of this page is fitting in that this was the last page I produced for over a year. Mike, Stu, and Renee driving off into the desert with truckers in pursuit served as the perfect cliffhanger until I got my act together and started making comics again. I will reserve discussion of that until the next page.
I had finally landed a job as a graphic designer at my local newspaper. I checked my alternate email address on a whim one day, and saw I had an email from the head of the design department there. I had applied for a job there earlier in the summer, but it was filled internally. However, they kept my information on file and got in touch with me when another position opened, and I was hired on the spot. Overall, I don't have fond memories of my time at the newspaper, but I did learn a lot about all the design software I still use today, learned a lot from all the good people I worked with, and was making pretty good money for a 22-year-old. I remember the first thing I went out and bought with my first paycheck was a Nintendo DS Lite with New Super Mario Bros. and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow.
However, with a full-time job, comics suddenly dried up. Eventually, I found a way to work them back into my schedule. We'll talk about that next time.