Ninja on the Clock
Page 51

Ninja on the Clock
Original Release Date: February 28, 2008
I feel like there might be some weird, reverse innuendo going on in the last panel. I have no further comment.
If this page demonstrates anything, it's to not get on the bad side of either Stu or Renee. They are passive-aggressively at each other's throats here and playing quite a game of human chess. Renee's calling of Stu's bluff is quite courageous, but it also gives away that she could be way more than meets the eye.
There's a bit of word balloon ambiguity in panel four. Normally I'm pretty good at making the order of balloons obvious, but here, you might make the mistake of reading Renee's before Mike's. That's the logical thing to do, but Mike's actually comes first. Ah well. I guess you and I will live and learn.