Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 19
Page 84

Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 19
Original Release Date: October 28, 2008
This page is text-heavy, but I wanted Stu to have a conversation with his fellow citizens. He did some bad things and needs to explain himself, both for his sake and for the people of San Francisco. This page also serves as the "well, we knew Pratt wasn't in office legitimately, but we couldn't prove it" cover story. In hindsight, perhaps Pratt's super-obvious political corruption is a little bit too over-the-top, but again, this is a comic, and a silly one, at that.
I worry far too much about criticism and people spending time dissecting and pointing out plotholes in my stories. However, it's very rare, so I don't know why I worry about it. I know it's not perfect. That's the joy of writing comics, as opposed to instruction books or contracts or history textbooks. It doesn't necessarily have to make perfect sense, as long as it's entertaining.