Searing Gas Pain
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Searing Gas Pain
Original Release Date: January 8, 2001
I don't have a great deal to say about this one, except that I remember drawing it in Study Hall. I may have draw part of the previous comic in Study Hall, as well. Good to see I was keeping my priorities straight. I was a good student, but to give you an idea of how efficiently I used Study Hall, just know that every paper I wrote was on the night before it was due, every big project was an all-nighter, and my math grade was in the tank, especially from the prior semester because I couldn't figure out how trigonometry worked. But I had a good time! Doesn't that mean anything?!
Stu and Evil Bad Guy Ninja's casual attitude towards mortal combat gives me a chuckle. They're so evenly matched that it feels like they've probably been at this for several minutes already, possibly making small talk or catching up as they battle.
I also like how Mike's inability to tell Stu apart from other similarly garbed ninja has become a running gag. It actually comes up again much later in Volume 2, so apparently it is something he never grasps.