Return to Stumpville
Page 117

Return to Stumpville
Original Release Date: July 8, 2009
This page serves as a reintroduction to Mike's nemesis and former boss, Bob, whom we have not seen since the very first page of Mike and the Ninja. It was important to quickly establish how unstable Bob is, and how quickly he can fly off the handle, so the audience knows exactly what kind of a nutcase Mike and Stu will be dealing with throughout this volume.
The "Welcome to Stumpville" sign is a bit of a callback to when Mike and Stu left. Then, they passed a sign that said, "we'll still be here when you get back."
This would be an example of Stu being honorable to a fault. He's certain that they need to do the right thing. What he doesn't know is that Bob doesn't care about the right thing. Mike has obviously tried to convince him otherwise and failed.