Behind the Scenes 4

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Behind the Scenes 4
Cartoon Brian

Behind the Scenes 4

Original Release Date: July 2, 2009

As a younger brother, I naturally modeled a lot of myself after my big brother. We like a lot of the same things: video games, wrestling, sports, comics, cartoons, hamburgers, and more, even to this day. Yeah, we're grown up now and have to deal with grown-up things, but at heart, we are the same kids, and we still like all of the same silly things.

I love this page overall, but I do have a couple of minor artwork nitpicks to get off my chest. Both are the result of a combination of rushed work and laziness. Panel three depicts my parents' bedroom, where the Nintendo was kept. (I assume this was so they could easily control our access to it.) Anyway, there's supposed to be a big dresser between the door and the TV, but I didn't draw it. Likewise, in panel four, there's supposed to be a giant bookcase full of stuff behind my brother. I didn't draw that, either. I know if would have been hard work, but I really should have done it. Both of those rooms would have felt more full and real had I included the proper setpieces.