Page 147

Original Release Date: February 23, 2010
There's some extremely goofy dialogue at work on this page. I like that Stu asks Mike if he's killed anyone lately. You would think that Stu knows the answer to this, but he's also a ninja, so it's possible that it's such a common thing for him that he believes it's a natural behavior for everybody. Later, there's the punchline where Mike doesn't make the connection and misinterprets what Stu says.
You can see that I'm experimenting with some inked shading here. I would later switch to doing the shading digitally. I like the look of both, even though the hand shading is a smidge rough here. It's nice to see the artwork continue to evolve.
Also, continuing the background activity from the previous page, Mike apparently couldn't find any food at home, so now he and Stu are on their way to the diner. Hooray, continuity!