Quick Thinking
Page 154

Quick Thinking
Original Release Date: April 13, 2010
Stu steps into the Deus Ex Machina role to appear suddenly and prevent Mike from dying, but it's not so straightforward. Stu can't do any physical damage to Bee Man, and it's up to Mike to pass on his newfound knowledge to Stu to make the ninja a more effective fighter. I can deal with this sort of convenient development much better than Renee's fix-it-all cutting laser. Stu's still gotta do some work here to get them both out of danger--his sudden appearance alone doesn't immediately drive Bee Man away. It makes Mike useful despite his lack of fighting ability, and Bee Man's decision to stick around and fight both Stu and Mike proves his resolve and chutzpha.
Check out that panel six background. There are multiple(!) people milling around (silhouettes, but still), and even a car parked on the side of the road! Extraordinary! And, if you're a fan of Space Quest, you'll appreciate the name of the janitorial supply business.