Page 157

Original Release Date: May 4, 2010
There's another parallel here between Mike's employment and my own at the time this page was made. The philosophy at my job was to push the employees hard, but that they can never do enough for the customers. So, in my case, for example, you could deliver unlimited proofs of an ad and waste hours upon hours perfecting it, even if the customer only paid $30 for it. The company was in such dire straits at the time that they were doing a lot to keep their existing clientele happy, including allowing them way more revisions than were needed. I understand the idea of wanting your customers to be happy with what they bought, but at the same time, I think it is okay to tell them no, to be able to tell them that an ad design is good and that it doesn't need any further changes. You know, that maybe the marketing staff and the ad designers have some expertise in the field and know what they're doing.
My situation didn't exactly mirror Mike's, so I had to find a way to apply the statement I was trying to make about my disappointing employment to Mike's situation. Mike fixed the TV and adequately put it back together. At that point, the customer was happy, and the job was done. But according to Todd, he didn't quite do "enough." There was more that could have been done, like nitpicky aesthetics that don't really apply to the work that actually needed to be done.
Eventually, at my job, a limit on proofs was put into place after the company realized they were spending more money designing the ads than they were making selling the ads.