Big Mouth
Page 192
Big Mouth
Original Release Date: January 18, 2011
I don't remember where I got the idea for this page. I wanted to depict Stu and Evil Bad Guy Ninja fighting their way down N'Gloth's body, so what we're looking at is one big picture of N'Gloth broken into four panels. This logically allows for Stu and Evil Bad Guy ninja to appear multiple times in the same picture, if that makes sense. It's one picture, but the multiple panels are what allow for the passage of time. I guess I could have also done it Family Circus style and used dotted lines to mark the progression of the fight, but I don't know that such an approach would have fit the style of this comic.
I do like how this turned out, though. Also, Stu's Captain Kirk-esque ripped clothing has been appreciated by more than one Star Trek fan.