Page 198

Original Release Date: March 1, 2011
This page was an interesting experiment to make in that one can theoretically read it horizontally or vertically, and it still make sense. The two conversations are happening simultaneously, and the reader can either read them simultaneously by reading horizontally, or separately by reading vertically. I thought it was an interesting idea.
Todd's apology is straightforward, and is a good example of how the need for power can get to anybody. Mike isn't a bad dude and tries to be understanding, so we're all good here!
Evil Bad Guy Ninja, on the other hand, still has a score to settle. He still wants to have a final battle with Stu, but he's softening a little bit. If he was still the way he was when we first met him, he may have taken on Stu at this very moment, despite the depleted, injured condition of each. But I think his respect for Stu is growing. He wants Stu at his very best when they collide once and for all.