New Kid in Town
Page 199

New Kid in Town
Original Release Date: March 8, 2011
This is a straightforward page with a bit of a twist, and it answers the questions Jeff, himself, asked a couple of pages ago about what happens to Bob's TV and Bridge Repair Service and all of its employees. Jeff shows a great deal of humility in willingly and happily accepting a position as Jeff's subordinate, and is clearly trying to make up for his misdeeds.
The only thing that bothers me about this page is that Stu's allegedly grave injury seems to have been forgotten. We know this scene happens a little later, and in the last panel, there's a bandage on his shoulder. However, as the writer, I know that the only time that has elapsed between now and the previous page was enough for the foursome to leave the underground facility, patch Stu up with a convenient first-aid kit found somewhere along the way, and work their way back to Bob's office. But Stu probably should get to a hospital rather than standing around, gabbing about the future of Jeff and Todd's business, right? The only explanation I can offer is that Stu functions like a superhero, and can't go to a hospital so that his true identity is not revealed. Still, he should be in a lot more pain here now that the action has passed and the adrenaline is wearing off.