It's Open
Page 237

It's Open
Original Release Date: January 3, 2012
It's not incredibly evident, but you can see in panel four that Renee's heavy load has been transferred to a dolly being pushed by Stephen. It's kind of a weird transition to me. If I could go back and redo it, Renee and Stephen would be having this conversation as Stephen takes the crate from Renee and puts it on the dolly. They could be doing this in the corridor outside the classified door, and then Renee could discreetly check the classified room as Stephen wheels the crate away to the defense grid.
This page presents more evidence that the Vissi scientists aren't quite all there. They make Stephen stick himself for DNA samples, they leave the classified room unlocked, they completely overlook the fact that Renee is just standing there with an extremely heavy box, and so on. I wonder if they're preoccupied with something.
The classified room is simply unlocked because, in a pinch, I couldn't think of a better means of Renee covertly breaking into a room. Obviously, there are scads of options, but when I couldn't think of one in the moment, this served as a humorous alternative.