Separation Anxiety
Page 249

Separation Anxiety
Original Release Date: April 10, 2012
At least a couple of days before any noticeable effects, eh? Well, how convenient. Sorry, had to get a jab at myself in there. There are some serious pacing issues involved with this story. This is what I get for having the good guys' base of operations so far away from the bad guys' base of operations, and making the only mode of transportation in-between be cars. Since the drive times are so long, I had a build-in a couple of days for the Chaose Drive to essentially warm up and for things to really start rolling, so everybody has enough time to drive to where they're going, put a plan together and then drive back and fight the bad guys. Ugh. In hindsight, I wish I hadn't had the Chaos Drive activate right here and now, or maybe I should've given Renee access to a teleporter so we didn't have to keep dealing with these super long drives between locations. At least there's no lack of urgency.
Read order is sloppy again in panel two. You're supposed to read all of Renee, then all of Mike, but when I looked at it again just now, I read Renee's top balloon first, and then jumped over to Mike for his first balloon.
I hope Mike leaving here comes across the way I wanted it to. He's giving up. Not because he feels like there's no hope, but because he feels like a burden. I do this all the time. I've avoided hanging out with friends during my down times because I didn't want to drag them down with me, for example. Or, the best example is when I almost quit a softball team because I had a game where I made three errors in the field and struck out like four times. I just assumed the team would be better off without me. This is the sort of thing Mike is going through here, only on a much more serious level. Now that he knows what he contributes to the team--chaos--he doesn't want to put anybody in danger, so he's outta there. It's noble, but short-sighted.