Not Again
Page 25
Not Again
Original Release Date: August 19, 2004
Ah, another day, another gratuitous explosion. What more could you want?
The punch Evil Bad Guy Ninja delivers to Stu in panel two is a pretty nice piece of artwork! I guarantee you that is stuff I learned from How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way, which has been one of my favorite and most useful how-to books since I got it for Christmas when I was nine years old. It was actually for both my brother and me, but I think I bogarted that book before he ever even had a chance to look at it.
IRA continues to baffle me. Stu is completely unaware of his presence. He could death ray Stu right here and be on his way to fabulous cash and prizes. But he insists on blowing up this truck. I suspect that IRA enjoys explosions as much as you or I, so he's making this hunt extra elaborate for the specific purpose of squeezing in an explosion.