Holiday Greetings
Page 26

Holiday Greetings
Original Release Date: December 24, 2004
This non-sequential, holiday aside came to you Christmas Eve of 2004 (I think). It was my first output since August of 2004. In my fall semester of college that year, I tried to join the theatre department as a minor, and it was a colossal mistake. I had no idea the commitment and seriousness one had to put into theatre education, even as a minor. Ultimately, I was unable to manage the time commitment required by my theatre involvement along with the two or three literature courses I had that semester, plus a part-time job, so I bailed midway through the semester. I probably pissed off, disappointed, and inconvenienced a lot of people, but I did what I had to do. My English major was more important to me, and I was way better at it, so I had to stick with what I knew best.
So, I changed my minor to Small Press Publishing, which ended up being instrumental in getting me my first graphic design job and giving me the knowledge necessary to assemble things like Mike and the Ninja graphic novels and other publications, so everything turned out all right in the end.
This page is also one of the things that got my dad on board with me being an artist. He must have saw it on my drawing board at home, and a few days later, we took my car to the shop to fix a leaking head gasket, and we went to McDonald's for breakfast afterwards. He said he was really impressed with my work and that I should pursue art or something creative, because he thought I was good at it. I was also considering double-minoring in art at the time, but it would have taken me an extra semester to graduate and I was already ready to get out of college, so I just took some art electives, instead. But anyway, I never forgot what my dad told me, and I'm always trying to do creative things and my jobs have all involved creativity, so it turns out I'm taking his advice, and that makes me feel really good.