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Original Release Date: September 25, 2012
I guess when I wrote Volume Three, I felt like I needed to wrap up literally every loose end possible, including what happened to the Hypergoon Elite. The last time we saw them, Stu and Evil Bad Guy Ninja defeated them in a crowded (though you wouldn't know it by the artwork) ballroom battle. Apparently they've been laying low since the fight, and are back in the fray now that the Hired Goon Association is on the move in a big way. Looking back on this sudden development now, I wonder if maybe there are too many parallels between Volume Three and Volume One. Did we really need a rematch with the Hypergoon Elite? Should I have come up with some other supergoon, instead? Or maybe no supergoons at all, but some other creative obstacle? I dunno. In hindsight, I'm not totally thrilled with this particular writing decision.