Big Fight
Page 284

Big Fight
Original Release Date: January 8, 2013
The first panel has a lot of business happening, with two distinct skirmishes happening across multiple layers. In the foreground, Stu and Evil Bad Guy Ninja take on the Hypergoons. In the background, Mike, Renee, and Ohtani battle The Six. It's not terribly complicated, but in drawing it, I tried to do some planning of the room layout so that the two fights wouldn't interfere with one another unrealistically.
There are a couple of minor visual gags that I feel are good enough to be worth pointing out here. Renee's gas bomb is labeled "Lil' Stinker," which references a Krusty the Klown sketch from The Simpsons. When the gas bomb hits in panel four, Rodney seems particularly interested in the bomb, which is mostly just for laughs, but also reinforces that he is the unstable member of the group.
Mike has a gun here, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. It's logical that he would have one, being in a firefight and all, but it seems weird to see him with a firearm when he rarely wields a weapon.