Sequential Art of War
Page 290
Sequential Art of War
Original Release Date: March 5, 2013
This page is sort of a re-imagining of this page from the first ninja/Hypergoon fight. I guess at the time, I was enamored with the idea of paralleling the previous fight. I guess it's kind of cool, but it also feels like rehashing old content, right down to the page layout.
The major criticism I would have of this page today is that, while its effort to convey a complex fight scene is commendable, the action is not very clear. Not only do the panels alternate between the two fights, most of the images are extreme close-ups, focusing on a hand or a weapon. I'm sure I had my reasons for portraying the action as chaotically as I did, but today, the action comes off as difficult to follow, and I don't think chaos should have come at the cost of clarity.
Two things redeem this page: Stu shoving Sledgehammer Goon's head into a computer monitor, and the little nod between the two ninja in the last panel.