Four's a Crowd
Page 291

Four's a Crowd
Original Release Date: March 12, 2013
This page has a lot of amusing elements. I'll get the one negative thing I have to say about it out of the way first: I don't like the transition between Grant struggling to maintain his shield in panel four, to having lost his shield and collapsing in panel five. Evil Bad Guy Ninja is standing stiffly and awkwardly behind him, when previously he was on top of the shield. Another panel portraying the shield actually failing and Evil Bad Guy Ninja sliding off the back of it would have helped the transition seem less awkward. A better, more action-oriented pose for Evil Bad Guy Ninja in panel five would have helped, as well.
I like the rest of the page. It's full of little laughs, from the humorous cuts between the first three panels, to the slapstick humor of Evil Bad Guy Ninja cold-cocking Grant with his sword hilt, to Stu's adverse reaction to the Phantom Doubles technique. It brings some relief to an otherwise serious moment in the story.
Pay no attention to the fact that the artwork of the ninja re-forming is re-used from the panel in which their phantom doubles split off from a few pages ago.