Page 293

Original Release Date: March 26, 2013
One minor inconsistency to report before we get into the good stuff: what happened to the guns The Six were using when they were fighting Mike, Renee, and Ohtani earlier? Here they are, getting ready to charge the good guys, and all of a sudden they're bare-handed?
I think the rest of this page does a pretty good job of building a false sense of security, and it appears as if the good guys have things under control. The ninja have bested the Hypergoon Elite and have The Six held at bay. Meanwhile, Mike and Ohtani have achieved a systems overload, as intended. So it seems like we might be nearing the end here. If, as a reader, you were lured into the idea that the good guys might have things wrapped up in time for dinner, then I did my job correctly. If not, well, I'll try harder the next time.
One small detail that I appreciate is how the status bars on Ohtani's monitor are slowly working their way up as the Chaos Drive sucks the life out of Mike. On the previous page, they were much lower, but now all of them are above the "max" stage, which is where they need to be to achieve an overload. It's a minor detail, but if the bars were in the wrong place, or if I just re-used art from earlier, they wouldn't be contextually accurate, and that would be lame.