Help Me Help You
Page 297

Help Me Help You
Original Release Date: April 23, 2013
I think this is a well constructed sequence. I don't recall if I've mentioned it in the commentary before, but one technique I would use for choreographing fight scenes would be to get out of my chair and act the fights out myself. This method gave me a good idea of how certain moves would logically flow into others, what moves or dodges would make the best defense in a given situation.
I wanted to use a lot of shadows in this fight to accentuate the glow in Evil Bad Guy Ninja's eyes, and to get across the idea that while Stu wages a physical battle against Evil Bad Guy Ninja, he's also waging a desperate mental battle against The Six, trying to shake their hold on EBGN. It's gotta be exhausting to fight your friend to the death when you don't actually have any intention of killing him and play mind games with the six crazy ninja in his head at the same time. It's a good thing there's no time limit attached to this fight, on top of everything else....