At Last!
Page 55

At Last!
Original Release Date: March 31, 2008
I didn't actually know anything about San Francisco when I drew this comic, nor had I ever been there. I had to do some research for the long panel to figure out what interstates run through the city and that sort of thing. I think the panel is based on a photo I found online, but this location and bank of signs doesn't actually exist. It's probably incredibly inaccurate, but that's okay, I guess.
I didn't actually know Renee's backstory at this point, so Renee's non-response to Mike's last question is her hesitating to reveal too much about herself, but it's also me stalling for time. I didn't have her completely figured out until I wrote Volume 3.
The punchline serves three purposes here: it's the punchline, it's an inside joke, and it's a jab at myself. Stu mentions the "years on the road." While it was, in fact, only three days for Mike and Stu, it took four years for me to get the comic from the point Mike and Stu fled Stumpville to their destination. So, Stu's comment refers to the literal years it took to get to this point, and it's a shot at me for being angsty and uncertain of everything and not working harder.