Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 8
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Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 8
Original Release Date: August 12, 2008
The gag at the top of this page is one of my favorites of the series. What's funnier than Stu being more privy to the situation than one of Pratt's super-overconfident bodyguards, and popping out of the very door he's supposed to be guarding?
Part of me feels like the humor of the series actually peaked somewhere around here--I don't think there are any jokes this good in the second two volumes. They're still funny, but funny in a different way. It's hard for me to describe. I think maybe in books 2 and 3, I got a little too concerned with realism and making sure plotholes were filled. These books drew influence more from comic books and what I was feeling in real life, whereas the first book drew more from Saturday morning cartoons and comic strips. It takes itself way less seriously than the second two books, and I honestly may like that best. I dunno what you guys think. Plus, once I get around to writing commentary on those pages, I may find I like them more than I remembered. We'll see.