Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 13
Page 78

Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 13
Original Release Date: September 16, 2008
Another sparse ballroom scene. In hindsight, I really wish I had put more effort into the crowd. The event technically still hasn't started, but there should be more people than rendered here. Also, Renee says "flyer" instead of "program," which was just a mental gaffe on my part that was never corrected.
However, while I'm not satisfied with the ballroom scene, I'm quite satisfied with the back alley scene in panel four. I recall telling myself that I could not slack on this panel. The perspective isn't perfect, but this is far superior to most of the buildings I've drawn up to this point. So, while the artwork is still lacking in some areas, it's really picking up in others.
We get a hint of the relationship between Tiffany and Gary, one of Pratt's top goons. This will continue on subsequent pages. It was important to me to make it obvious that Tiffany and Gary work together often and needle each other on how to do things, but are actually friends and supportive of one another. I like the bad guys to have personalities and be real people and more than just doing bad things to good guys, and I hope that's reflected here. It's not just them capturing some good guys and driving off; they're talking about their work while they're doing it.