Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 20
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Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 20
Original Release Date: November 11, 2008
I came up with the Hypergoon Elite concept and characters in a waiting room while Amanda got a massage. I wanted the Hired Goon Association to have their version of Bebop and Rocksteady or Major Bludd--they're not the leaders, but they are top-tier henchmen who see a lot of action, and of course, each one of them has some sort of quirk that sets them apart from the standard goon. There's the little quick guy who is really good with a sword, the big strong guy, the telekinetic guy who doesn't talk, and my favorite, Briggs, the headless sharpshooter, because of course that makes sense. I don't know how or why he's able to function without a head; it just seemed funny, so I went with it.
I tried to make sure that each member of the Hypergoon Elite had their own personality. Sword Guy is the fearless leader, Briggs is the wisecracker, Grant is the stoic, and Hammer Guy is the no-nonsense guy who doesn't appreciate Briggs's sense of humor. I'm not sure how well it comes off, but I wanted them to be more than just goons. Also, Sword Guy and Hammer Guy have names, but I don't remember them at the moment, and their names are never actually mentioned in the comic! That's a major oversight on my part. If I can find my notes, I'll let you know what their names are sometime.