Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 21
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Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 21
Original Release Date: November 18, 2008
I've always been fond of the "luxury escape limo" joke. Even when concerning flight, one of the most base human responses, Pratt demands only the best. It was important for Pratt to be completely incorrigible and impractical in everything he does. I wanted him to be a coddled figurehead who has completely lost touch with reality. I wonder what cocktail he drinks while he escapes?
Let's talk about Stu putting everything on the line for the civilians at the charity ball. Stu grows a lot in this first volume. He starts as kind of a bumbling joke of a ninja, but quickly grows into competence. He starts as bloodthirsty and grows more contemplative and analytical. In the last couple of panels, we see him step away from being utterly revenge-driven and into a moment of selflessness. We know he's capable of it because we've already seen Stu express concern for the wellbeing of Mike and Renee. In time, he has become a foil for Mike, the straight man in an otherwise absurd adventure. Stu keeps his cool, but he's very good at knowing when and where action--particularly of the violent variety, what he does best--is necessary.