Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 30
Page 96

Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 30
Original Release Date: February 3, 2009
This page proves that even at the time, I was aware of all the old technology at work in Mike and the Ninja. Otherwise, Renee wouldn't have said anything about that floppy disk. The passage of time being indicated as 54 seconds in panel four is a jab at the slowness of floppy disks.
There's a composition mistake on this page that really bothers me, but you'll find that I will continue to make it throughout the rest of the series. In panel seven, Mike is talking and therefore a significant part of the action, but the bottom of his mouth is hanging off the panel. All I had to do was go back and re-draw his head so that it was high enough that you could see his entire mouth, and all would be well. Instead, I was impatient and didn't fix it. It drives me nuts. I'm sure I was concerned about the amount of dialogue on the page, but as you can see, it would not have been an issue.
Everything else on this page is not too bad! I'll excuse all the talk since Pratt needs to deliver his evil monologue, being a villain and all. Pratt's plan, and my writing, consequently, is somewhat convoluted and not perfect, but probably still better than some other crazy plots I've seen!