Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 31
Page 97

Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 31
Original Release Date: February 10, 2009
I like this page! It melds action and comedy and is a lot of fun. There are a couple of fun sound effects in here ("FWAP" and "TELEKINESE," which is telekinesis turned into a verb), plus Evil Bad Guy Ninja and Stu share some casual, mid-combat analysis of their next opponent that is not only fun to read, but was fun to create, as well. Plus, we see a few more civilians in two different panels! There are people in this room, after all!
Somewhere around this time, I decided that I wanted to bring Mike and the Ninja to Cape Comic Con, which was a couple of months away. The only problem was that I didn't have any product, and I still needed to draw several more pages to wrap up the first story. In fact, I think the final page of Volume 1 ran the week after Cape Comic Con. Amanda helped me put together a work schedule that would ensure I could get the last pages completed and then assemble a printed volume in time for the convention. It all worked out! The first volume did have a few goofs in it that I corrected in a later printing, but I had a real graphic novel to sell at my first convention, and it was a really awesome feeling. I'll probably have more to say about that once we reach the end of Volume 1.