Read All Three Reasonably Amusing, Ninja-Stuffed Volumes!

Whoa. Is it Brighter in Here?
Some ten months ago, I announced plans for something of a refresh of the website redesign. And hey! It looks like I finally pulled through. The previous design was structurally well done, but aesthetically, it was very dark and segmented. I wanted a brighter, more unified look, and I think this design delivers in those respects. There are a couple more things I would like to do to add to the design, but, knowing me, it will likely be another ten months until those get done!
I also need to add more to the About page. That's coming, as well (in less than ten months, I hope).
That's all for now! In the meantime, check out the Big Skink Tales website, Facebook page, and Instagram feed for updates on what else I've been up to. Take care, and thanks for reading!