Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 23
Page 89

Stu Versus San Francisco, Part 23
Original Release Date: December 2, 2008
The page bothers me. In hindsight, I feel as though Renee's conveniently stashed cutting laser might be a bit of deus ex machina. I feel as though with a little more thought and creativity, I could have found a better means of getting Mike and Renee out of that cell without having to resort to the right device at the right time. I don't think it's out of the question that Renee might have that laser on her in this situation. I can see her bringing it with her on this adventure, and I can see Tiffany and Gary neglecting to search her before throwing her in the cell. Still, it feels a little too convenient, at the same time. The cell looks pretty good, though, and like any good cartoon, Mike and Renee's eyes stay fully lit even though the cell is dark. I've never really understood how that works, but I felt it must be incorporated here.
The punchline redeems this page to some extent. Mike is so used to Stu being in control that of course he thinks he's doing fine. We, of course, know that he's at a disadvantage at the moment, and the juxtaposition of his predicament and Mike's casual response to Renee's question makes for a funny joke.